nektaria Photos

scottsdale az-BASED PHOTOGRAPHy BY Nektaria Kleopoulos

Nektaria Kleopoulos is a Scottsdale, Arizona-based photographer and art director. Her juxtaposition between light and shadow punctuates her signature style. Nektaria believes photos are metaphors, making the abstract concrete and mystifying the mundane.

Photographs have the power to transform the ordinary into the extraordinary, revealing hidden meaning and adding a touch of mystery. Be clear, be confident, and don’t overthink it.



Creating a truly remarkable photo requires more than just a stunning subject. One must also pay attention to even the slightest details in order to craft an image that truly captivates the viewer.


My camera serves as a tool for communication, capturing the magic in everyday life and preserving it for posterity. I am always on the lookout for the next great photograph waiting just around the corner.

“Photography captures moments in time, revealing the beauty, depth, and stories hidden within the ordinary, reminding us that every fleeting instant is a masterpiece waiting to be preserved and cherished.”

— Nektaria Kleopoulos

Mother elephant with her baby